How To Transfer Perfume From One Bottle To Another?

The fragrance has become the most essential element in our daily life. We just can not think to step out from home for parties, meetings, office, outings, etcetera without applying perfume on the body.

Because it is an effortless way to keep yourself cool, fresh, and fragrant all day long. So that perfume or cologne is the most demanding and must-have product in the fashion world as well as in everyday life.

But it is a matter of sorrow that sometimes many people are unable to carry this essential product whenever they are traveling because of the big size and weight of perfume bottles.

Considering this problem here we bring the solution if you transfer perfume from one bottle to another then you can easily carry this. So you can learn the whole process below how to transfer perfume from one bottle to another.

How to transfer perfume from one bottle to another?

How To Transfer Perfume From One Bottle To Another

By transferring perfume or cologne in a small bottle is the best way to carry favorite perfumes during travels. There are different types of perfume bottles and travel bottles are available in the market. So you can not shift perfume in the same process every time.

Considering this fact here in this article we will show you three processes to transfer perfume from one bottle to another. Before starting this transferring process you need some basic apparatus. These are –

  1. Main perfume or cologne bottle
  2. Metal bottle or plastic bottle or glass bottle
  3. Cloth or tissue paper
  4. Funnel or syringe

Method 1: Filling from a Perfume Atomizer to Metal Travel Bottle

Step 1: Put off the cap and sprayer.

At first, you need to put off the glass or plastic cap of the main perfume or cologne bottle as well as the metal bottle. After that open the small piece of the plastic sprayer of the main perfume bottle using your finger. There you will find a vertical nozzle by which you can transfer perfume liquid.

Step 2: Prepare the metal travel bottle

Generally, a metal bottle comes with a protected metal casing to keep the inside product secured. By holding on to the bottom remove the metal case of the bottle and bring the plastic container out.

Step 3: Transfer perfume

You can see a red dot on the bottom of the plastic tank when you pull off the metal case. This is the place where you can input perfume inside the bottle. Now place the bottom assigned red dot of the plastic container on the nozzle of the perfume bottle.

  • Gently press the nozzle of the perfume bottle by the travel bottle.
  • Proper pressing will help to pump perfume liquid quickly on the travel bottle. This process is like applying and spraying perfume.
  • Take a look at the side of the container and you can see how much it fill. According to your need, you can fill the bottle.

Step 4: Replace the bottle in the starting position.

While you transfer perfume to the travel bottle now remove the tank from the nozzle and put it on the metal casing and sprayer. Now try and check if it working and spraying properly or not. Adjust the sprayer to the nozzle and put the cap on the main perfume bottle.

Method 2: Refilling from Metal Perfume Atomizers to Plastic Travel Bottles

Step 1: Prepare the plastic travel bottle by putting off the cap and sprayer.

While you are filling a plastic travel bottle at first you need to put off its cap and unscrew the sprayer from the top. Then uncap the perfume bottle also.

Step 2: Fill the plastic bottle

Now you need to hold the travel bottle near to the sprayer of the perfume bottle. Remember while you are holding this it has to be touched each other. It will ensure that while you are spraying the perfume it will get into the bottle directly.

Now you need to press the perfume bottle sprayer repeatedly in the plastic bottle. In a few minutes, your travel plastic bottle will be filled with perfume.

Do not full the bottle because when you screw the sprayer you can’t spray properly. So you can fill it three-quarter portion.

Step 3: Unscrew the sprayer

After filling perfume into the travel bottle it’s time to unscrew the travel bottle’s sprayer. Screw it properly and put the lid on the bottle.

Method 3: Filling Glass Travel Bottles from Splash Bottles

Step 1: Put off the cap and sprayer of the travel bottle and main perfume bottle.

Similar to the other two methods you have to prepare both bottles for transferring perfume. Open the cap of both bottles and gently pull off the sprayer. By twisting the sprayer you can easily open it.

Step 2: Fill the perfume in the travel bottle

Do not pour perfume directly from one bottle to another because it can spread and waste the perfume. You can use a funnel or syringe to transfer perfume.

If you are using a funnel then you have to place it on the travel bottle and gently pour the perfume main bottle into another.

If you are using a syringe, then deep it into the perfume bottle and take a full syringe of perfume. Then spray it on the glass travel bottle. Like that you can fill the bottle. These both ways stop waste upon the transferring perfume.

Step 3: Replace the sprayer and cap

Once you fill the bottle replace the sprayer on both bottles and also put the cap properly.


  • While you unscrew the sprayer of the perfume bottle and the travel bottle, make sure that it has been sealed properly. Unless there is the possibility of leakage.
  • Always keep the perfume bottle in a cool and dry place.


Having a travel perfume bottle is a great skill to carry the perfume always during traveling. By reading the above article I hope you have already learned how to transfer perfume from one bottle to another.

By applying any of these methods and following some easy steps you can cut up a portion of the perfume and carry this everywhere.

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